~~Screen Cleaners~~
Have your noticed that you computer monitor, after a few years of use is not as clear as it was when new? Well, that's because electrostatic charges cause micro-etching on the interior surface of the glass which can degrade the picture quality.
As a result you end up straining your vision and visual acuity can suffer... BUT... GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to MICROSOFT this process is REVERSIBLE thanks to a brand new JUST INTRODUCED PROGRAM that "cleans" the inside of the screen!!!!!!
The process takes LESS THAN 30 SECONDS, and the difference is IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE!!!!!
As a result you end up straining your vision and visual acuity can suffer... BUT... GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to MICROSOFT this process is REVERSIBLE thanks to a brand new JUST INTRODUCED PROGRAM that "cleans" the inside of the screen!!!!!!
The process takes LESS THAN 30 SECONDS, and the difference is IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE!!!!!
Well here are cleaners you would want to have…