Friday, February 16, 2007

~~A-Z Meme~~

I've been tagged by happy hearts so here goes!

Accent: Neutral I suppose… I admire a friend who has these scotish (slight) accent-makes me want to mimic her more than I consciously realize.
Booze: I don't drink much. LOL
Chore I hate: Laundry… definitely not for me. But I do hand wash at times :P
Dogs/Cats: Dogs and cats… luv ‘em…
Essential Electronics: Computer and microwave…
Favorite Perfume: Clinique Happy and Cool Waters by Davidoff
Gold/Silver: Only silver.
Hometown: Baguio

Insomnia: Yes.
Job title: PS
Kids: None,
Living Arrangement: Apartment – my own :P

Most Admired Trait: um… eyes I guess… dunno.
Number of sexual partners: Huh!?

Overnight hospital stays: mmm…
Phobias: Dead people… LOL!
Quote: At the moment an Einstein quote seems to fit my situation pretty well.

"If we knew what it was we were doing it wouldn't be called research"

Religion: Uhmm…
Siblings: One elder sister, 32 geeesse :P
Time I usually wake up: These days around 6am.
Unusual Talent: That’s for me to keep…
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Hmm, none that I can think of.
Worst habit: I'm pretty damn stubborn.
X-rays: Tons.
Yummy food I make: My favourite at the moment is sheperds pie
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a complex, analytical, keenly perceptive, inquisitive, focused, determined, hypnotic, and self-contained character, but one which is also prone to extremity, jealousy, secretiveness, possessiveness, stubbornness, cruelty and cunning.


What we had for dinner (feb. 15)... nice eh!?

Classic Ceasar Salad with Iced Tea

Paella Marinera with Red Wine